A super useful app Hide n Seek is updated to version 2.0, I got the opportunity to test it and this time it is working darn smoothly. In this version you can hide/unhide selected Pics from your Camera Roll instead of hiding and unhiding the whole camera Roll, and also you can see the preview of the picture that you want to hide (which I think is really good, coz mostly you don’t remember the name of Camera rolls pictures because camera roll picture names are in a specific format which is not easy to remember).
In version 1.0, it hides/unhides all the camera roll pictures, and it has a bug too (that hides your pics but then doesn’t un-hide), which has been fixed. Overall the app should deliver a much more stable performance for you.
According to Razi, the developer, he is going to post it to cydia soon (may be in 2-3 days)